My Personal Halloween Mystery: A Cautionary Tale
Happy Halloween, everyone.
First off, kudos to my ex-roomate Steve who actually went to a Halloween party dressed as John Mark Karr Fantastic work by him (and Ryan and Julie as well, who by my account had some pretty kickass costumes. You may remember that I recommended JMK as a costume a few weeks ago. The amazing part, is that Steve never even read the blog and was ballsy and asshole-ish enough to pull it off and even extrapolate with the eye-shadow (no bloody tiara, though).
And if you think that's insensitive, get a grip and grow up. Then again, that's coming from someone who owns this t-shirt.
The whole premise of this post is to share a Halloween tale to ensure the safety of you and yours during Halloween (and make a sweet segue into the real purpose of this thread, but that's not til later, so bear with me)
The scene was Halloween 2002, the setting, Hofstra University's Nassau Hall, the notorious sweet 112. Ever since my freshmen year, when I lived in Nassau, I always loved 112 parties. I like to say I played an integral part in them, going on Beer Runs, helping with the setup, manning the Polaroid camera, who's results were wallpapered around the suite. All incarnations of 112 parties were kickass (one could argue that they were better than any party thrown by R&B group 112) whether it was a Mardi Gras Party, New Year's Party, End Of The World Party, Holiday Party and ESPECIALLY Halloween Party.
Brian, Angel, and Steve were the proprietors of said Suite 112 and they never disappointed. The party started off typically, I showed up with some extra goodies (in the form of 100 proof Southern Comfort) and we all started to get our party on . Brian - (not pictured) makes a very strong punch, featuring Devil's Springs 160 Proof Vodka. And, understandably, the night got a little hazy.
The next thing I know, I was in my bed and my thought process went like this:
First off, kudos to my ex-roomate Steve who actually went to a Halloween party dressed as John Mark Karr Fantastic work by him (and Ryan and Julie as well, who by my account had some pretty kickass costumes. You may remember that I recommended JMK as a costume a few weeks ago. The amazing part, is that Steve never even read the blog and was ballsy and asshole-ish enough to pull it off and even extrapolate with the eye-shadow (no bloody tiara, though).
And if you think that's insensitive, get a grip and grow up. Then again, that's coming from someone who owns this t-shirt.
The whole premise of this post is to share a Halloween tale to ensure the safety of you and yours during Halloween (and make a sweet segue into the real purpose of this thread, but that's not til later, so bear with me)
The scene was Halloween 2002, the setting, Hofstra University's Nassau Hall, the notorious sweet 112. Ever since my freshmen year, when I lived in Nassau, I always loved 112 parties. I like to say I played an integral part in them, going on Beer Runs, helping with the setup, manning the Polaroid camera, who's results were wallpapered around the suite. All incarnations of 112 parties were kickass (one could argue that they were better than any party thrown by R&B group 112) whether it was a Mardi Gras Party, New Year's Party, End Of The World Party, Holiday Party and ESPECIALLY Halloween Party.
Brian, Angel, and Steve were the proprietors of said Suite 112 and they never disappointed. The party started off typically, I showed up with some extra goodies (in the form of 100 proof Southern Comfort) and we all started to get our party on . Brian - (not pictured) makes a very strong punch, featuring Devil's Springs 160 Proof Vodka. And, understandably, the night got a little hazy.
The next thing I know, I was in my bed and my thought process went like this:
"That was a fucking kickass party!"
"I was there for awhile, I left pretty late"
"When did I leave?"
"Oh my god, I have no recollection of how I got in my bed"